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Find Your Writer's Voice

Friday 21 March, 2pm to 4pm, 8wks. £150 Full / £120 Concession

2 hr
From 120 British pounds
Tichborne Street

Description of Class

*There will be a break in this course on Friday 18th April (Good Friday). Last session will be on 16th May. Do you feel like there's a writer inside of you, waiting to surface? Maybe you've written some poetry, dabbled with short fiction, or just kept a lively journal? Whatever writing experience you have, you're welcome on this multi-form course. Led by writer and facilitator Eva Hibbs, there'll be opportunities to craft description, build believable characters, and even write a sonnet. The first half of the course will expose you to different forms of writing, giving you a chance to try your hand at lots of things. Then, in the second half you'll choose a form to focus on and work on bringing a piece to completion. Whether that's a short story, a collection of poems, a monologue or memoir, you'll practice translating your life experience into imaginative writing and sharing your creative ideas. Your tutor Eva Hibbs is a local writer and workshop facilitator. Since completing her master's in Creative Writing, she's led fiction and poetry workshops with groups in lots of different settings – from wellbeing centres to boardrooms. Two of her plays have been produced by The Pleasance Theatre and her fiction has been published in a variety of literary journals. But! She's a firm believer in process over publication. Creating imaginative work is a fun, healing experience which allows for greater self knowledge (and exploration).

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